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Kind of hard to implement, but how about afterburners?

163 Noahater5245  6.3 years ago

There should be an afterburner built into each of the jet engines, that when activated, increases thrust at the cost of burning through fuel a bit faster than usual. We have it in real life, so why not add it to simpleplanes?

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    1,355 Stalinity

    I say if the dev's make afterburners you should get the option to put them in the jet engines.

    6.3 years ago
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    @Noahater5245 Afterburners don't work that way. Depending on the engine, the afterburner can provide up to 50-70% more thrust. It can triple fuel consumption but not thrust.

    6.3 years ago
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    fuel runs out in 1 second be like XD
    Anyway yeah good suggestion.

    +7 6.3 years ago
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    Should be adjustable, where None leaves the engines as they are, all the way up to 3x more thrust. Anything past that is pretty much ludicrous and will make your plane explode at ridiculously high speeds (Mach 3+) unless you XML mod the health of each part

    6.3 years ago
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    Just in case people need more thrust, but either don’t know how to XML mod engines, don’t want to do it, or XML modding is not supported. Basically a much simpler more user friendly way of adding extra thrust to jet engines

    6.3 years ago