Hello everyone, Supercraft888 here, I'm going to be taking another hiatus, for an indefinite amount of time. I have finals coming up. However, I do want to show something I have been working on for the last few days.
Whoever guesses what the build is, gets...bragging rights, honestly it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
Rip to this dude. F
Are you alright?
Are you dead?
Can’t wait! @Supercraft888
@Supercraft888 oh ok
Turbojet actually, first jet propelled plane built by the British
Get a orthographic diagram of the plane, Upload an unlisted, take the orthographic photos of the plane that the site makes, then use any photo editor app to layer the orthographic images of the plane onto the blue print, resizing as nessessary
Nose wheel is temporary, but thanks! I'm trying go for maximum realism
@ThePilotDude Yup! You get bragging rights now
guessing it's some sort of rocket propelled aircraft
Wait how do you do the overlay
i need that
The nose wheel is off but it looks great