the linked up video is a video about home made tanks. i think they are great for SP so let the hope grow like weed in the summer (or a heated house in the netherlands) meme tanks by matsimus
to clarify: i am not responsible for the existence of the video or of any of the home made tanks you see there.
The tank isn't coming along nicely but the flying car should come easy.
@Scruffyscott those things are homebuild tanks. so yes if you want to do this.
I take it I'm supposed to make a tank?
Bob Semple best tank to ever exist
@InternationalAircraftCompany truth be told: they are all at the level of the bob semple tank (with only teo better tanks: the card board one an the monster VW bully).
Bob Semple best tank
awesome. reminds me of some... interesting skidoos i saw in my town
@Scruffyscott some tanks for starters (no fear this tanks are all bobsamples and killdozers (very poor/ homemade tanks based on unchandeg tracktors and roadmaintenance vehicles and some cars)).
@Mumpsy @Bigman @ QingyuZhou i think you all would like this video (or to be more precise: the killdozers and poormans bobsample tanks that it shows).