Okay I lied, it’s not zero distance, the engine was still powering down when I landed so it pulled me for ward a few feet.
Credit to jamesPLANESii for his amazing “Draco”
It can be found here
You know you practice STOL too much when... (ZERO DISTANCE LANDING)
69.4k Chancey21
6.1 years ago
Cha cha real smooth@Chancey21
I like to keep my puns on the website plane and simple @Othawne
Lol @F104Deathtrap
Yep. Sounds about right for Draco XDD
Oh yea, lol.
I knew that.....
That was me too lol @ACEPILOT109
@Chancey21 You would have won the debate right there had you "landed" on the main landing gear, but you came down tail first! lol
You know that there is a forum of a An-225 doing the same thing
Well it took no damage; cars have no suspension and giant bushwheels yo cushion them @F104Deathtrap
@Chancey21 That's pretty punny!
@Chancey21 XD You brought the plane to a stop midair and fell 30 feet straight down. With a gravitational acceleration of 9.8 meters per second squared, that means you hit straight into the ground at 30 mph. If a truck ran into your plane doing 30, would you call that a crash?
No damage, short rollout, mission accomplished @F104Deathtrap
My spine hurts just looking at that. There's a difference between crashing and landing, you know?
After that landing he would be mike pastey @Othawne
Or the rest of his body... @Othawne
Not like Mike needs his neck for anything anyways.