@Supernovaboss504 okay so, the space shuttle is going to be made on PC due to my phone having extreme stability issues with Simpleplanes. Might not be out for a while because I'm going to make it look as good as I can.
@Hypixel I always encourage users to use custom control surfaces. Those are fuselage pieces on hinge rotators containing wing pieces instead of control surfaces as a part of the wing piece.
Build the challenger space shuttle it blew up before it left the atmosphere it’s so special because it had a civilian on it a teacher she was a mother and so a day for history has now been forgotten
@Hypixel cool
@Supernovaboss504 okay so, the space shuttle is going to be made on PC due to my phone having extreme stability issues with Simpleplanes. Might not be out for a while because I'm going to make it look as good as I can.
@EternalDarkness lol, I might try it on the F-14 I'm making which should be done at earliest, today, and at latest, Monday.
@Hypixel yup. It's a joke suggestion, of course, as standalone control surface wouldn't be very useful.
@EternalDarkness So, basically a control surface that controls using a hinge rotator?
@Hypixel I always encourage users to use custom control surfaces. Those are fuselage pieces on hinge rotators containing wing pieces instead of control surfaces as a part of the wing piece.
@EternalDarkness apologize if I'm being an idiot, but what do you mean by 'custom'?
@randomusername I'll try to build it, then.
@Chancey21 unless they're built by me! (jk)
@randomusername Have you seen what happened the last time I tried to build any helicopter?
@Hypixel yeah that would be fitting I guess
@Supernovaboss504 should I add in an option for an "O-ring failiure"
this happened in 1986
Build the challenger space shuttle it blew up before it left the atmosphere it’s so special because it had a civilian on it a teacher she was a mother and so a day for history has now been forgotten
@Hypixel https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ponysite.de%2F73mexicansunroof1web.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ponysite.de%2Fnews_38.htm&docid=0rtYufp1Fw5meM&tbnid=a1yYHuiAw4jZSM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiDyfWUzZHfAhUQDHwKHZ1-CyYQMwhEKAgwCA..i&w=500&h=375&safe=strict&bih=641&biw=1366&q=1973%20mach%201%20sunroof&ved=0ahUKEwiDyfWUzZHfAhUQDHwKHZ1-CyYQMwhEKAgwCA&iact=mrc&uact=8
@Billythekidusa04 oooooh
f-14 or 1973 ford mustang mach 1
@Hypixel cool, I’ll be sure to check it out
@BaconRoll Affirm.
@Aarons123 One RB Conestoga coming up by Friday!
@Spacedoge12345plane Here is your trumpet
@Hypixel try building the Rb conestoga, it pretty cool
@Aarons123 replicas, probably. Preferably planes, and land vehicles.
F 2 2 R A P T O R
An ultralight, they are easy and always come out looking good