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Who would win in a fight?

126k AWESOMENESS360  6.2 years ago

Who would win? 1 Landkreuzer P.1000 Ratte, or 100 KV-6s?

Tell me your thoughts.

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    1,789 lis

    @RailfanEthan oh yes. MURICA!

    6.1 years ago
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    the maus had issues when it came to rotate speed, imagine having two maus' worth of weight in cannons you had to turn. KV-6 for sure.
    Черт, да, чувак!

    The ratte was probably never intended for actual intimate T-to-T warfare. I'd think it was used for places where the Gustav was too big.

    6.2 years ago
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    @Dllama4 Right...

    6.2 years ago
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    A bunch of kids on dirt bikes could beat the Ratte, just go around it. The thing wouldn't be able to move, much less cross any kind of sloping terrain.

    6.2 years ago
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    104k Dllama4

    @Spitfirelad05 Do you realize that such guns take forever to reload? The giant thing looks very unprotected. It would appear that if the KV-6s got close enough, the guns on the Ratte would be ineffective as they would not depress enough to get a hit on the KV-6s. Also, the tracks on the Ratte are big, heavy, and also unprotected. Only a few hits are needed to disable them. Once they are disable, how will they get it fixed?

    6.2 years ago
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    one B-17

    +4 6.2 years ago
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    In a fight, the 100 KV-6s should spread out so the battleship grade guns cannot effectively kill tanks. The 100 tanks should fire on the tracks of the Ratte to immobilize it, assuming the Ratte still has the around 6-8 degrees of gun depression, the other KVs should circle the tank or board it while firing to suppress the crew.
    If the aforementioned procedure isn’t followed, then the Ratte would win

    6.2 years ago
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    @Dllama4 BUT! It has battleship guns and maus turrets on the rear so...

    6.2 years ago
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    104k Dllama4

    Ratte would be a slow, inefficient, ineffective, and giant target. It’s the most impractical vehicle concept I’ve ever seen and it would never work. If such a weapon did exist, it would be big, slowly, and inefficient in combat as I mentioned before. Yes, the KV-6 was also very impractical, but there would be 100 of them... The KV-6s would win. Ууррраа!!!

    6.2 years ago
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    @randomusername Drill boi excels in the spinning attack, Cow boi is a specialized ranged fighter with his pistol, Swing boi is the one watching the fight from a distance, and Cool boi is the one who walks away from the inevitable explosion that will eventually be caused by Swing boi, somehow.

    +3 6.2 years ago