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What is auto roll?

30.4k Hyattorama  6.3 years ago

I can’t seem to find an explanation of it with google...

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    30.4k Hyattorama

    Yep! Haha yay! :) @Chancey21

    6.3 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21


    +1 6.3 years ago
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    30.4k Hyattorama

    Well don’t forget to tag me on the finished product so I can take a look! @Mickk

    6.3 years ago
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    2,284 Mickk

    @Hyattorama Thanks for the info, but I couldn't figure out what was causing the problem, so scrapped that and built a new one.
    The new one flies straight and level, but it is not pretty and has something I think might just be new, but has probably been done already.

    +1 6.3 years ago
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    30.4k Hyattorama

    It could be two other things:
    1) the center of mass isn’t exactly in the center of the plane. You can fix this by changing the center of mass of different parts.

    2) there’s dissymetry of drag on the wings, one wing might be producing more drag than the other ( it could also be other parts like the landing gear or parts of the fuselage, etc). You can fix this by editing the drag scale on different parts. @Mickk

    6.3 years ago
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    2,284 Mickk

    Interesting. I have just made an aircraft that does exactly that.
    I can't figure out why, but it rolls to the right, very slowly, like there is more lift on the left wing, which there shouldn't be as it's all mirrored from the right hand side.
    Is there a way to fix the problem?
    I'm going to try a few things, such as remove all the wings on the right hand side and mirror from the left or just completely remove and rebuild all of the wings from scratch. I'll let you know what works, if it works.

    +1 6.3 years ago
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    It's ok if your plane does it a little bit, but if you have to straighten it out every single minute then you have a problem.

    +1 6.3 years ago
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    30.4k Hyattorama

    Ah, okay, thanks guys. That is helpful. @RamboJutter @EternalDarkness @ThePrototype

    6.3 years ago
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    16.4k ThePrototype

    It's when a plane rolls slowly (or heavily) to one side even if the plane is perfectly balanced..... it's very annoying.

    +2 6.3 years ago
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    It is a SimplePlanes-only phenomenon. Due to unbalanced drag, lift or mass, plane rolls to one side. It is actually a product of autoyaw if caused by drag.

    +2 6.3 years ago
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    When it rolls with no input from the user

    +2 6.3 years ago