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2 Nephims  6.2 years ago

My Regime has just claimed a victory over 4 of these Scarryn Armored companies leaving only 2 tanks as a message that were not to be underestimated Gods Army will prevail (Filthily things) let this be a warning to CVR and its allies that My Regime means business and we will reclaim Simplelandia as ours once again

We just attacked HellRaiser and destroyed 13 companies of his Puny men overall the Regime will win this war and execute CVR’s leader along with its allies for it is GODS WILL!!

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    @HellRaiser so, I hear that this “idiot” (Nephims) is immortal, well, i THINK it’s overpowered that he’s “immortal.” And i also think that being immortal is against the SLRP community’s rules... idk, if it is. We could just ignore him. Also he made a new post a few hours ago, seems kind of bad, especially the grammar this kid used in it.

    5.7 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser

    Our panzer crews are some of the best trained on the planet, and infantrymen are polished to be the best a military our size can provide. We are very effective, your losses in the tens of millions, ours barely scratch ~45,000

    6.2 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser

    @Nephims Our "Midget puny army" has more than an hour's worth of training and exercise, the difference is our men can actually fight worth a damn

    6.2 years ago
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    6.2 years ago
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    6.2 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser

    I think your citizens will enjoy a Democratic way of life rather than starving to death or serving in the pathetic thing you call a military. Daily, hundreds of thousands of your men die for what? So you can make a meat shield surrounding your capital? Surrender now, and your major cities won't be disease ridden from all the bodies in the streets.

    6.2 years ago
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    You also have CVR to deal with you Tyrannical Commie @Nephims

    6.2 years ago
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    You’ll have to breach our defense frist and as for house to house recruitment good luck as all will never betray their One True God or me there leader aka the True one you will be fighting the defense for years so get comfortable we can hold the city for as long has we need mabye 60 years maybe 160 your choice @HellRaiser

    6.2 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser

    @Nephims I don't need to be there for a very long time. A few days of siege here, a few days of house-to-house recruiting campaigns there, a few days of your manpower losses everywhere

    6.2 years ago
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    @HellRaiser I wasn't talking to you, Bro.

    6.2 years ago
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    They are citizens yes but you will feel the exhausting affects of seige for if your laying seige be prepared to be there a very long time Puts the army on the defensive of the capital all 2 billion activating all draft process’s @HellRaiser

    6.2 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser

    13 Companies? That's what, like 3 battalions? That's not even close to a single division.
    Defeating me will come at a very high cost and will never be willingly given up. Long Live Scarryn!

    6.2 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser

    @F104Deathtrap not my post fam

    6.2 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser

    @Nephims Or maybe your beliefs for the lord are so much that it clouds your mind with the feeling of invulnerability. Your country will fall, your citizens will join us to fight you. Like I said, would be a shame if we told them all about you and stole hundreds of millions of men from you

    6.2 years ago
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    Mark it as roleplay or don't post it

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    Bring it has they are just mere mortals @HellRaiser

    6.2 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser

    @Nephims You have a really nice and densely populated capital city. It would be a shame if I happened to, hmmmm, release 5 Siege Divisions with Armor support on it. Hmm. How would you like millions of your unaware citizens bombarded to no end?

    6.2 years ago
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    Your mortals i have a God @HellRaiser

    6.2 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser

    @Nephims You may not die, but your ideology, citizens and soldiers will. You will fall to the army of Scarryn. Do not doubt.

    6.2 years ago
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    Your next God is pleased at our victory @HellRaiser

    6.2 years ago
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    But its amusing to watch mortals suffer your so weak as Gods Prophet i can not die for God has granted me immortality @HellRaiser

    6.2 years ago
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    Yes mortals are always so weak but they are but a pawn to our end game@HellRaiser

    6.2 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser

    I hear your casualties were even higher. I heard hundreds of thousands


    6.2 years ago
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    6.2 years ago