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Who wants multiplayer dogfights?

4,475 Dragonrider999  6.2 years ago

This forum post by HistoricBirds gave me an idea of a mod that should be made. This mod could be an update of the multiplayer mod, or a whole mod of its own. So the gist is an organized online SimplePlanes dogfighting system that takes players who are in the lobby waiting and puts them in a 5v5 dogfight. There is a red team and a blue team. Every player has only one life. The team that successfully eliminates the other team wins. There are two modes: Modern and WW2. Modern includes all engines and weapons while WW2 only has propeller engines and guns/rockets. The setting could be at any island with an airport. At Snowstone, one team takes off at Ice Bace and the other team takes off at Avalanche Airport. At Krakabloa, a team takes off at Yeager Airport and the other at Bandit. At the Wright Isles, one team takes off at Wright Airport and the other at Wright Isles North Runway.

Feel Free to leave more suggestions!