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6,852 Jim1the1Squid  6.2 years ago

Example of entry is:

-Must use default game parts
-No subassemblies
-Must be original.

Ship Challenge

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    To answer your first question, XML modding is permitted, for the second, I mean that you can't use subassemblies, and I tagged you because I want as many entries as possible. Also, the reason why I don't upvote your stuff is because I simply am not on often enough to see your newer creations, and every time that I DO get a chance to go on this website, I'm always checking my notifications, so I get rather busy. Last thing, in the comment that I'm responding to, you make it sound as if I'm doing something wrong. In your exact words, "So what hope would I have in a challenge run by you?"

    6.2 years ago
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    198k SledDriver


    Must not be modded creations, with the exception of the Overloaded Mod.

    Does this mean that XML modding done without using Overload is not permitted?

    Must not contain parts that are not originally part of the game. I other words, you cannot use parts that are taken from a vehicle that was downloaded. You must use the default parts, such as fuselage blocks, pistons, Boom 50's, etc.

    What does this even mean? All builds are made from parts that come with the game, by definition. How would you tell if a given part was taken off a previous build?

    Lastly, why tag me? You don't upvote my stuff, which I take to mean you don't like my builds. So what hope would I have in a challenge run by you?

    6.2 years ago
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    Ok. That's fine.

    6.2 years ago
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    Sorry but I'm still not even done with the tank. (I know it has taken months) But I have been very busy so I can't build a ship right now.

    6.2 years ago
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    6.2 years ago
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    6.2 years ago