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2,355 PvPSky  6.2 years ago

I have a really important Question that i always wondered why it wasn’t like that... Why is there no brown in the Game? And i know that you can make orange darker until it’s brown, but I’m talking about it being like red and blue, that you can just select. I mean like, there are so many Planes that were light brown in WWII, yet there is no way to make an 1/1 Replica as you can’t even imitate the Color scheme. It’s so often used yet not in the Game. I am working on a Replica right now and can’t make the color scheme the same. So, i ask just for a pure brown color which like every other color has 3 standard brightnesses, which you can then make brighter or darker. It’s not something big after all, is it. I really hope they’ll add that.

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    2,355 PvPSky

    I’ll test that. @F104Deathtrap

    6.2 years ago
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    @PvPSky Every color is selectable. "Brownish Green" aka "Olive Drab Green" is just the yellow end of green with some black added to it.

    6.2 years ago
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    2,355 PvPSky

    I know, but it would be very handy if they just made every Color selectable, as i tried to get a certain brownish green which isn’t possible with the current set of colors. @F104Deathtrap

    6.2 years ago
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    2,355 PvPSky

    Sadly I’m on IOS 😭 @ThePilotDude @CruzerBlade

    6.2 years ago
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    @stig27 Can you help me with this? Just make it like one of these.

    6.2 years ago
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    You should take some art classes. Brown is a yellow-orange color with a bit of black added. All visible color is based around 3 primaries: red, blue and yellow. Every color you can see is a mixture of those three in some way, added with varying amounts of black or white. In this case, brown is simply yellow with a little bit of black and sometimes a tiny bit of red or blue or both. I hope this is helpful, here's a link explaining it in more detail if you're interested. Color Theory

    6.2 years ago
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    3,791 stig27

    You can do the same we do with planes:
    Get as close as possible to the thing we want

    6.2 years ago
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    brown is literally dark orange

    +3 6.2 years ago
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    13.2k CruzerBlade

    Just mess around with the color panel and you'll get the right color, or use the advanced coloring mod thing if you're on PC
    Also maybe pinging Andrew isn't a good idea

    6.2 years ago
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    2,355 PvPSky

    @stig27 @Jetpackturtle @F4f879

    6.2 years ago
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    2,355 PvPSky

    @spefyjerbf @ACEPILOT109 @pavthepilot

    6.2 years ago