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71.3k MintLynx  5.9 years ago

After some quite constructive replies to my previous post I've been reconsidering the decision I stated on that. It seems like the flaws of the game might have infuriated me more than they normally should given I was playing the game a bit too much.

I got over excited and eager to make my ideas reality to the point where I got impatient. Resulting in a rather excessive amount of rage.

I still think SimplePlanes is a deeply flawed game, but it is not far from being groundbreaking. It has a lot going for it, a lot of great features in its building system even with its flaws.

Ultimately I've decided not to abandon the game completely, instead simply choosing to build and upload less even if I think a build is going to be simple. Even though I have KSP, and it has many strengths over SP it also lacks in some areas of design.

I'll play and likely enjoy KSP, but I'll also go back to SP from time to time. I also look forward to seeing what the next update might bring, and have a bit more hope for it.

I also have no intention of leaving the site, as I've come to find that it has a great community. I was afraid in my two ramble posts I might get some anger or nasty words directed toward me. Those fears proved quite presumptuous as I instead got a lot of good comments.

Ultimately, I'm not quitting on SP, and especially not the community (much as I am but a small face in it). I'm simply going to keep from getting TOO hooked on the game. Thanks for the constructive comments and being a great community! I honestly would feel bad leaving it behind.