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The first steps

7,116 Bearclaw189  6.2 years ago

It’s night at a village in Mayawar, every thing is calm. But little do these poor villagers know they are under siege. Cobra operatives take control of the village and make it a fort. However liberation is near. A tank convoy moves through the desert sand. An Simplelandian Marine Special Forces operative stalks the convoy. He iluminates it with a laser 5 minutes later laser guided bombs from stealth F25’s destroy the convoy. Cobra has no more reinforcements. Soldiers run into the village. Some MSF (Marine Special Forces) stand by a door. “1, 2........ 3 GO GO GO”! Gun fire takes the ground. SCAR L’s and AKM’s exange fire. The Scar come victorious. Marines storm the houses freeing the villagers from cobra control. However the battle isn’t over. The roar of a jet engine is heard. F25’s battle it out with Cobra Rattlers. While Simplelandian Rattlers suppress the anti air defenses. After the battle Simplelandian Commanders decide to win they can’t just mass nuke cobra......... How can they squish the snake once and for all? Find out in the next news report.

A positive holiday farewell from the Simplelandian military..........

Next time coming live from the battle field!

The Simplelandia National News Network

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    38.8k ZetaAvalon

    The PAC F-14 Sound Booster could help your airforce by playing the Kenny Loggins Danger Zone in their High quality speaker mounted on the aircraft body while giving an airshow trolling the snake anti air missiles
    The PAC supertomcats can glow by the way

    6.2 years ago