I hope you enjoy eating all those Easter eggs!
This is just a tree I found on FB, not mine lol.
Merry thanksgiving!
235k jamesPLANESii
6.1 years ago
I hope you enjoy eating all those Easter eggs!
This is just a tree I found on FB, not mine lol.
XD @JohnnyBoythePilot
That's my kind of Christmas tree. Also, Merry-late Christmas! (more like happy new year now)
@BACconcordepilot look I didn’t mean to joke about 911 I may have a bad sense of humor I would never go that far my father was actually set a few of the trusses I didn’t mean to joke about that even I would not joke about that
@BACconcordepilot what do you mean that's the only way to land duh
Lol merry Father’s Day
Umm, three holidays in one?
@Chancey21 perfect chance for a oof wasted
If it was your tree they would all be Bush Planes
XDD @RailfanEthan
Hey morty, look at me! I'm Plane Tree Rick! Christmas riiiiiiick
⭕️F course
🅱ottom Text
Wow that was quick @randomusername