I just saw Sully and I was really enjoying it. Until one moment. When Cactus 1549 started to taxi you saw multiple aircraft at the gate. 2 of them were 737’s. I saw them and thought “Oh yeah, Continental still existed back in 2009”. But then my inner Boeing pilot saw something I can only discribe as horrible:
Scimitar Winglets! In 2009! While they were introduced in 2013 on the max series! They didn’t exist back then!
What do you think? Am I wrong or did Clint Eastwood make a big mistake?
Why Sully is the most unrealistic movie ever.
13.8k BoeyingOfficial
6.1 years ago
If I remember well there was American airlines livery in the movie too
ohhhhh, talking steam trains, I see @BoeyingOfficial
Nah, I was more of Thomas the Tank engine. @T8flightcrafts
you spend your whole life watching dora the xplorer and then when you watch a real movie you say it's unrealistic. DORA'S HOUSE TALKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Sully is unrealistic? Try Braveheart.
Yeah, the title is a bit of a joke@MrSilverWolf
(And I’ve seen more unrealistic things involving aircraft in movies, so the title may be a bit over kill)
Well technically they ended up on the 700s or 800s first because the max hadn’t actually been made till 2016
Lol that is true. But the movie was pretty good in my opinion @BoeyingOfficial
But if you take the effort to change United lettering to continental why don’t you change winglets. @ACEPILOT109
Man, please don’t take it to serious. It’s just some ClIcKbAiT @Chancey21
yeah lets call this movie the most unrealistic movie ever just because the producer got the winglets wrong
Ok 1. drama leave for politics 2. its a stupid error i could easily point out hundreds of errors in lots of movies 3. its just a movie and you really think producers care for detail all they care about is money and deadlines
This major error should get this movie banned. What a disgrace.
You are a wonderful man for posting this.
notices single wing ThIS mOViE suCKs XD
You are the definition of ‘plane nerd’, no other human being would notice that
I’ve seen that plane and heard that story. While it is a slight inaccuracy, please change the title.
i think "most unrealistic movie ever" is a bit overkill
I think they filmed it just as they made the movie, as in they went up there to film it for olny the movie. So they used a real airport, in the time it was filmed, I think the rest of the movie other than this makes up for it though.
man, you'd hate Danger 5