Seriously, I got no idea what to make...
Tell me pls, also im still stuck with my old Laptop
Got 0 Ideaaaassss
8,069 Ryn176
6.1 years ago
Seriously, I got no idea what to make...
Tell me pls, also im still stuck with my old Laptop
@Spacedoge12345plane when its done
@Nerfenthusiast oh gr8
a communistic egg plane
I never run out of ideas, it’s more like millions of ideas falling out and I have to grab them on their way out and choose which ones to use
Link me it@Ryn176
@Spacedoge12345plane lol okay
@randomusername ill combine it...
@Andrewtheplane Ill try and create a plane that looks similar to P-38
Make a trumpet
make a 1993 Toyota centuryyyyy drift car
What about aaaaaaaaaaaaa... I’m outta ideas too :/
When I run out of ideas, I take a break from building on SP. Genuine inspiration often occurs when doing things that are not SP-related. For example, I often think of my best ideas when hiking.
A toilet paper biplane with flapping entrail
Super connie.
A stunt plane
Grumman S-2F tracker
Have you done a P-38 yet?
A tanker full of Spaghetti sauce