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Unguided Diaries #2

50.7k UnguidedCylinder  6.2 years ago

Now some of you may know, I'm building a ship. Not my first time, but my first time building a WWII style ship. It be a battlecruiser, or battleship depending on the final product. I have finished construction of the superstructure which I am happy about- but. I have made sub assemblies of the doors(a 1 x 0.75 fuselage piece), the ladders, and handrails. And they make the ship look big. And not big as in battleship big, they make the ship look like a carrier with bricks in the middle. So of course the way to fix it is to delete- to make them larger and make the width of the overall ship thinner. Thankfully I've only started on the amidships so cleanup will be easy but sad because it took me so long to make the guardrails look alright. Oh well such is life.

Other than that, that's what I've been doing for the past month. Oh of course the Seagale was a quick project. I also built a manned "ICBM" which has a maximum range of Skypark City to 5 miles from Krakabloa bc a glitch always happen when I'm nearing said island. Probably because of the modded VTOL engine. Anyways, here's next projects:

SS.UH-10E Kestrel(Upgraded UH-10A)
Tentative name ship
and possibly a storypost after this maybe, idk I was never good in writing stories.