You guys all know a lot of planes.
Comment below the most Obscure STOL aircraft you can and see if I’ve heard of them, one upvote per plane I haven’t heard of.
(This is just to get my creativity rolling)
A weird and kind of pointless forum to see who can think of some airplanes that I might want to build at some point in the future
69.5k Chancey21
6.2 years ago
A butt shape plane...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) @Chancey21
@BACconcordepilot Wouldnt half an engine be an APU?
Am I dragging this joke too far?
Make an F-86 Sabre. Or the C-130 of course.
@BACconcordepilot I want my dose of werid engineering, but, lets make a deal:
not 2, not 3 engines, just 2.5 engines...
Fairchild f-11 husky
@BACconcordepilot westland trislander?
@Chancey21 it does look pretty cool actually
The A-2 is beautiful @MrSilverWolf
Well can’t think of any odd STOL airplanes but I however know of a few normal GA planes that are not very common:
Cessna 160
Cessna 407 (basically a civil version of a T-37)
Piper Pa-35
Piper Pa-6
Piper Pa-7
Piper Pa-29
Piper Pa-33 (no, it’s not the Malibu, I can’t find much on it so I would assume it’s a prototype Malibu of sorts)
Piper Pa-40
Heston Phoenix
Bede BD-4
Twin Stinson
Mooney M22 (twin engine)
Allied A-2
Evangel 4500
tupolev tu116
Kite .. because why the hell not
anything ww2
Or you can make something along the lines of the CSA SportCruiser.
You could try making the Aerolite 103.
Hahahaha Genius @Rub3n213 ...I want to make it now since I have so many leftover hollow parts
A flying toilet roll
How about the Zenith STOL CH 701?
Haha that’s funny, I was gonna suggest Dornier Do-28 @ThePilotDude
Max Holste Broussard
Rutan Grizzly
Wow, that’s new @T8flightcrafts
Heard of both @jamesPLANESii
I was thinking about a Bell 47 @QingyuZhou
Heard of it @Iamadeadmeme