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Exercise New Moon Results

7,116 Bearclaw189  6.1 years ago

Order of the Battle:

The strategic bombing campaign was semi-successful. The failure to account for weather will haunt you. Naval Aviation should also be used to the fullest. Covert operations at Nught were a huge success. The use of tactical night aircraft was HUGE. The bombers and Twin engine Strikefighters were awesome at disrupting the enemy. The combination of paradroped commandos and naval landed ones were successful. The Naval bombardment was good but could be better. Aircover should have been better. Naval Aviation would have helped so much in this role. Diplomatic pressure in the end can win wars or stop them from starting in the first place. Now to what happened. At night British Commanders and Night Aircraft attacked the enemy cutting of roads for reinforcements to arrive. In the morning the Stretwgic Bombing did not live to its maximum effectiveness due to cloud cover. Air cover was okay but the Marines were pinned down on the snow covered beaches. However after a bloody battle soldiers pushed through the lines of defenses at a high cost. After following the results of the exercise we can be amazing.


USA: In order to make a Marine Landing successful you must run a very long disinformation campaign and support it with aircraft and naval fire. Bomber Escort was fine.

UK: Espionage is a huge factor in large operations, use hit and run tactics and your new technologic developments to your advantage.

Germany: You should focus on your navy more. U Boats and will power won’t win a war! Don’t just focus on your army you need a intercontinental strike capability don’t gove up on your Army but pay attention to your Air Force and especially your Navy

Austria: Do the same as the Germans

France: MODERNIZE this isn’t 1918 don’t live in the victory

Netherlands: Follow the US and also modernize

Finland: You are skilled in what you do, good job