This is my las po— no. You really think I’m leaving? Nah.
But lemme give you a fact about goodbye
Good bye is actually a dissimilation of the old English phrase “God be with ye (or you. Old English is weird).” Which is the phase used if someone is about to leave.
Now someone decided to abbreviate it, turning it to “GDBWY”
Now you know where it would go...
GDBWY -> GodBwy -> Goodbye
As courtesy of: jamesPLANESii
“I don’t think it was abrieviated though. Abbreviations didn’t really exist until WWII. I think it just evolved from people saying it too fast and missing out syllables.”
It’s also a great explanation. I’ll include more if applicable.
I don’t think it was abrieviated though. Abbreviations didn’t really exist until WWII. I think it just evolved from people saying it too fast and missing out syllables.
no @randomusername
I saw youn in simplerockets