Been playing SP for over a month now. Here is what I assume what most people want on the next update. Hopefully, it’s not too much.
1. Pre-installed Small scale multiplayer (2-6 players in 1 room).
2. AI—[A] AI that forms formations and follows you that also has customizable controls (so that AIs can drive cars). [B] AI gun turrets (Settings: Rookie, Normal, Aggressive)
3. Parts: Hollow Fuselages and Glass
4. Dirt Particles
It’s a game similar to Minecraft lol @Tw1st3dPs7ch0
@Tw1st3dPs7ch0 gOogLE it
Lollll duh @tsampoy
This would make people so happy.
cough Better autopilot with heading and altitude settings cough
I’m dreaming of more nastier things.....
I wish we would get better high speed physics...
lol I wish...
That’s sad cause it takes ppl ages to make a hollow component @EternalDarkness
I've been here for three years, and I'm pretty sure we're getting neither of these.
Ok so Hollow Fuselage and AI turrets I see
Still think we need more airports, but hollow fuselages would be awesome
I think some realistic possibilities for 1.8 are:
At this point I don't see MP ever being officially added to SP, which isn't too bad as the MP mod is fairly fine.
Only 3 is a good idea
I only wish theres more action groups
A lot of that stuff will remain a dream forever most likely. Some of it’s just not possible/not happening.