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Thank You For Gold

17.8k Spacedoge12345plane  6.1 years ago

This is my formal thank you to the people below. They supported my latest posts.

I got here by making and posting instruments. Like it or not but it got me here. Without getting all mushy thank you everyone who has upvoted, spotlighted or supported me.

I will continue making instrument posts. If you want to see them, then comment below.

you guys are insane!

@BACconcordepilot @T8flightcrafts @ThePrototype @JelloAircraftCorporation @Thomasj041@ainanen @PvPSky @LOWEWAYY @Hayhayjam664 @Redvis @Aarons123 @InternationalAircraftCompany @yoshicraze @TheBlueRobotProduct @destroyerP @GreatHenry @Bearclaw189 @Feanor @QingyuZhou @DeidaraEnterprises @jamesPLANESii @CarsonG1017 @ACEPILOT109 @randomusername @pavthepilot @BogdanX @Natedog120705 @Frenchyfry @StallFlight @ThePrototype @T8flightcrafts extra thanks to @FastDan