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[Mod|Map|SimplePlanes] Your first map - page 4

316k mikoyanster  6.1 years ago

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Adding basic elements
Before adding complex elements to the map, the first step is to position an AA Tank. This is done in order to have a reference measure with which to scale all the elements that we put on the map. For example, if we want to build an airport, we can already calculate the approximate size of the runways, their width and we can imagine the size of our plane in relation to that AA Tank. It is also useful to determine the height of the buildings we enter on the map. All this is possible, because the AA Tank is delimited by a visible box, which allows to resolve its real dimensions and position it on the ground.

fig.43 Adding a tank unit to define the height for start player point on land

We must position so that the cube that represents the AA Tank, is just above the ground. We will use the movement tools to facilitate this task.

fig.44 Positioning the AA tank correctly

The next step is to build the airport. Because we are taking our first steps, we will build a runway for takeoff and landing. To do this, you will need to create a cube, position it on the ground and change its size to adapt it to the desired shape, in this case, a runway for takeoff and landing. To do so, I recommend clicking with the right mouse button on the AA Tank that you have already positioned, so that the cube also inherits that position and you save time and effort finding a small cube on the map, outside the desired coordinates. However, by doing this, you will see that the cube is within the AA Tank hierarchy. You have to move it outside that hierarchy, but always within the hierarchy of "Simple Planes Map", which you can see in the figure 45.

fig.45 Building the runway of the airport

Next we will have to change the scale or size of the cube, which has dimensions of 1x1x1, so that it acquires the shape of a runway. This is done by selecting the cube and changing the "Scale" values using the "Inspector --> Transform" tool, , which you can also see in figure 45. In my case, the measures that I have given to the cube are 50x1x1000. Note that the runway is always observed in relation to AA Tank to have an idea of the final size.

fig.46 Add texture to the runway

Once our runway is prepared, we need to apply an appropriate texture. To do this, we select one of the textures available in the pack. I have chosen a kind of road. Select the texture and drag it to the cube, to drop it there. Automatically, the cube acquires the texture as seen in figure 46. It is also observed that the texture has a deformed appearance. It's normal, because the size of the cube and the texture are not the same. Therefore, you should change the texture tiling pattern, as shown in Figure 47. If you notice, the cube has a new property, which can be observed from the inspector tool. They are the options of the texture that is being applied to the cube.

fig.47 Changing the texture tiling

Display the options box as shown in the figure and you will see a section called "Tiling", which serves to repeat the texture mosaic on the X axis and on the Y axis. In this case it is only necessary on the Y axis so that it covers the entire length of the runway. More and more it looks like a runway. At least it has a certain appearance.

However, if we leave it that way, we may find ourselves with the unpleasant surprise that when we take off or land with our plane, it will fall inside the runway. To avoid this problem, we have to change the "Layer" that the cube has by the value of "Terrain". Observe this operation in Figure 48.

fig.48 Changing the property of the cube as "terrain"

Now the properties of the cube are correct and we can take land and feel that the runway does not sink into the ground.

Adding Map Start Location
We are already close to finishing our first map. The next thing is to create a starting point. There may be several, so that the player can choose where he wants to start his adventure in the game ... for example in the water, on the runway, in the air, facing the runway ... there are many possibilities...

To create a starting point, open the top menu "SimplePlanes -> Game Objects -> Map Start Location", take a look at figure 49. This will create a starting point on the map, that you will have to position in the location you want. If it's your first time, I recommend placing it provisionally in the air above the terrain you've created.

fig.49 Changing the property of the cube as "terrain"

This way when you load the map, your plane will appear directly on the terrain and you can explore if everything went well. In this case, I decided to position it facing the runway. Use the inspector tool and the movement cursor to make sure it is located in a suitable place.

fig.50 Properties of the Map Start Location

Also note the properties of the starting point at figure 50. The Map Start Location allows you to indicate the initial speed, the name of the starting point, and a "Start on Ground" box. If the starting point is in the air, uncheck that box.

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