I was making gears for my new plane and suddenly turned out that its gears are very very very VERY VERYYYYY weak. They’re just blowing up even in case of slightly hard landing. So you need to land EXTREMELY carefully, but since this is a battle plane so sometimes hard landings are happening (eg carrier landing (of course this plane is not carrier-based, just an example)). Same problem was on my CP-150 Swan, but it wasn’t so bad and obvious and I didn’t do anything. But here...
Sorry for any mistakes.
Here it is http://www.simpleplanes.com/a/18d1Kx/Shturmovik-12-1-test-6-unlisted @AeroEngineering
How? @randomusername
@randomusername @DemonSniper8 @BACconcordepilot sry i confused pistons with shocks, i meant shock landing gear
Put a fairly strong spring in between the piston and the wheel
Use two next to each other
Ok, as soon as i reach my laptop - i’ll make an unlisted plane @AeroEngineering
I took apart your CP-150 and I didn't see anything inherently wrong with the gear, if you were to upload an unlisted version of your new airplane and tag me on it, I could try to recreate the issue and fix it or give you pointers on how to do so. If everything else fails, there are some nice user made gears here that could you could use with visual modification.
Попробуй копировать устройство шасси настоящего самолета.