The F1 isn't done yet, but thank you for spotlighting my creation. Is possible if yall can take it off cause 1. The Junkers F13 is really the creation that showcases my ambition 2. it is unfinished work, originally meant for ppl to test it
Thank you
Can someone take my Creation Off the Spotlight?
10.6k Winstonlharambe
6.1 years ago
@Winstonlharambe oh,ok.
thx @EternalDarkness although I just want my F 13 to get some sort of publicity. I don't really care about that F1 racecar cause it is a rebuild anyway but the F13 was completely built from scratch, making it such a challenge
@Winstonlharambe cool. I'll spotlight it again. Maybe feature too.
Yes, when I'm finished. Think that'll take another week @EternalDarkness
@Winstonlharambe you'll be posting it again when you fix it?
i deleted it... @EternalDarkness
ok @EternalDarkness
Only way is something else getting featured over it or build getting deleted.
Yes i think I mean that thanks @CoolPeach
I think he means off the featured creations @EternalDarkness
Unfortunately, a notification on jet streams will stay visible even if you remove the build. However, thumbnail won't show if the build is removed. There's nothing else that can be done to make your public build inaccessible.