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2 1.8 Suggestions

10.9k Rub3n213  6.1 years ago

Hello, i have two suggestions.

Part Connection Editor
So basically this is an idea for the option to select items and change the parts in which theyre actually connected to. For example, i select a fuselage, it becomes blue, and all the parts its connected to become yellow, and able to be switched around disconnected and such. Ive thought about how each part has multiple connection points and not sure on how to specify these with an editor but a connection editor would be nice.

Particle Emitter
this such part would be designed to emit a modifiable array the available effects. for instance, you could add these to engine exhausts to create white smoke when starting or at the start of a throttle increase and such. i often see people play with effects using guns and stuff with xml modding, and i think being able to have a part dedicated to these effects with more variety and customisation would be nice.

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    I’d like to see mechanics menu or something like this. If you need to find a rotator/piston etc but you’re lazy so you’re just opening the menu and finding it there. Then click in the menu on the rotator/piston you would like to choose and it’s beeing chosen automatically

    6.1 years ago
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    I like the second suggestion, I think that you should be able to increase/decrease engine power for jet engines also

    6.1 years ago
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    10.9k Rub3n213

    @jamesPLANESii yeah iOS peasant
    @MrSilverWolf A Tent should suffice lol

    6.1 years ago
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    what about a new airport somewhere too?

    6.1 years ago
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    Looks as though you’re on iOS though. :/

    6.1 years ago
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    Part connection editor, WNP78 is working on that mod :D

    +4 6.1 years ago