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A new type of things(for SP) and a little bonus.

4,109 JetFly  6.2 years ago

I'm always thinking of the idea of VA(virtual airline). People fly aircraft for a specific location, server counts the flight and the company gets profit out of it. Crashes counts too. My idea is to capture the whole flight from cockpit on video with something like Bandicam, uploading it on Youtube. This will help Jundroo raise auditory, will bring us a little more fun and it's kinda teamworking&multiplayer. Each flight brings you [passenger count * 10 000] Simplelandia dollars(later SLD), each crash cost you [max passenger count * 100 000 + injured count (including pilots) * 100 + SimpleLandia airplane cost (if fictional) or (Real airplane cost / 100)] SLD. The flight may be any, starting with easy peasy Wright to Wright North and ending with both-end Maywar-Snowstone flight. Bandit Airport is only available to general aviation. Military aircraft is NOT suitable. For cargo airplanes the formulas are:
success [cargo volume * 10 000 * cargo type multiplier]; fail [injured count * 100 + cargo type * 25 000 * (cargo type multiplier * 2) + SimpleLandia airplane cost(if fictional) or (Real airplane cost / 100)].
If investigators find out the pilot error, you're likely fired.
So, better not fail.
Good luck!


I'm starting my own VA.
It's called Fire Airlines and it's livery are white nose gradiently fading in default scheme from yellow to rich orange.
The first aircraft is B747-800, which costs.. a lot.