I dont know if I'm the first one to throw around this idea, but a SP convention would be awesome! It would be great to get to meet creators and discuss topics face to face with people. Im sure we all have friends on this game and it would be cool to get to talk to your in game friends.
Yes I understand that this would be expensive and there probably aren't enough people who are dedicated to the game to go, but its still fun to think about.
Anyway, I mothly made this forum as a way to take aboit this subject because I've been think aboit it for a while and maybe some other people are too. Enjoy!
@MTakach I wish I could do that
@BlackhattAircraft a club for SP in my school
@MTakach What?
@CptJacobson Horry shi-bleeepp im thinking about doing the same thing next year
@Notaleopard yeah, spread the word!
Too bad the game is not famous enough
This could happen, but this probably only sounds good on paper, not real life. This could end up as a disaster.
@Spacedoge12345plane awwwwww....
Andrew shows up. And he leaves after an hour of an empty room
@Brields95 discord does have vid chat
@CptJacobson I think its cool
ok i love being creative and i created the group to make freinds and to get new kids great freinds and hopefuly a way to see not every one judges@Tully2001
Oh my @Bmcclory
yes i founded it myself @BlackhattAircraft
@CptJacobson dude, I'm so jealous
@CptJacobson you have a simple planes fan group... At you HIGHSCHOOL
this seems like a great idea i think i can pull something off like this since im a member of Simpleplanes fan group at my high school we hold things like this a lot we have 127 people who usaully attend them and anouther 153 who do when they can my high school is huge 2,936 including staff @BlackhattAircraft
@Brields95 true
@Roswell discord doesn't have a video chat idt
@Brields95 I would go with discord
Andrew said only one person from the forums went to it, definitely not enough people. @RailfanEthan
Skype is a thing.
@RailfanEthan oh yeah! My friend went to that
@Chancey21 I know, I mentioned it in the post 😔
Let's see if 1.8'll change that. I hope so. @Chancey21