As the title says just add 2 simple buttons to the game
For these two features on android
Mod request. slow mo and autopilot on mobile
9,344 Bori0
6.0 years ago
As the title says just add 2 simple buttons to the game
For these two features on android
Not what I was hoping for
@kerothehero scratch that whole idea.
install this-->
set it as your main keyboard, go to the in app settings and find "Use permanent notification" which should be under "Input Mode Settings" category.
when in game, pause the game and then go to your notifications and enable the keyboard after then, click the keys that corresponds to the feature you would like to activate eg:- L is for Slow Motion
edit; I also would like to say that you should make Hacker's Keyboard notifications as High Priority if your phone even have that setting. This is optional though doing so will result in the notification to be above any other notifications which makes finding the thing a whole lot easier in landscape mode.
I thought of that but I couldn't find any software to add a button
Maybe you could help
in some older androids or Samsungs, there is a "menu" button instead of the recent app button. you can assign that button in the game to get one of the features.
if you don't have a menu button, you can either download a customizable software button application on the play store or use an earphone or a headphone that has a button
That's the thing I can't do that
Well it says android so...
For autopilot (and maybe slomo):
Use a external controller (or keyboard) and assign the autopilot key to a button
If your talking iOS. Then it’s impossible