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Why the current system of our site is not fair.

154k RussianAce  6.2 years ago

And so, if in our group, the VKSP changed something with joint efforts, then we, as a society and free people, have the right to express our attitude about this and change it.

the following text is not mine, it is from a user with a nickname (DankDorito) Dear Moderators

((I am fully aware that the feature system was designed to give recognition to new players who build good machines. I will not argue that this fellow or his builds do not deserve any recognition, however, it is important to recognize that there are many other builders who pour time, sweat, and most importantly, dedication to their creations, some topping over hundreds and even thousands of parts. Do they deserve any recognition? Do they deserve any respect? Are those magnificent creations even noticed by the community? The list goes on. Now, let's return to the topic of hand. This P-47. As the description rightly says, this was an American Fighter-Bomber that saw action in the second world war. Now suppose I were a foreigner. Suppose I had little knowledge about what the P-47 actually was. Now, I know what you're going to say. "Oh, everyone knows what the P-47 was". But that's not the point I'm trying to prove. We all know what the P-47 was, but do we know it's top speed? Do we know its ceiling altitude? Oh, what caliber are the guns? How many sorties did it fly?. The bottom line is, the description lacks depth, it (greatly) lacks any information besides the main thing every one of us knows! Please! Put some detail into the description! Provide some background information, some details, some statistics! Now as for the plane, I see no reason to batter it any further. I see @RussianAS has done a brilliant job with that. I want to show you why the feature system has strayed to far out of the boundaries of its original purpose. "Hey dude look at this train dude! It's awesome I think it deserves a feature!" Moderator: "Nah man I'm gonna have to give it to this 188 part MiG". Now let me explain that in more detail. That train had a detailed cockpit and a full interior, and what does it get? A solid six upvotes! But that 188 Part MiG sure beats it, doesn't it?. A while ago there was a user called IRIAF. He was a good man, spoke poor English, but built awesome helicopters. He even taught me how to build them. One day he decided to upload his prized 700 part helicopter, that he had worked on for months! It picked up ground quickly and stood at a solid 40 upvotes. But IRIAF wasn't satisfied. He thought it deserved more, and so did I. Since the mods would not give him, the recognition it deserved, he decided to take i.))

As a result, I, and not only I, "I don’t want to speak for anyone, I apologize if that" we want to change how crafts hit the Theater, as some newbies do build masterpieces that not even all platinum users build, instead of their craft. some monotonous and gray Kraft that get a large number of upvotes at the expense of their replica (P-47 / P-51 Mustang) and so on. As in the meantime, other craft are completely ignored.

it into his own hands. He advertised, extensively. And what was he met with? Hate, violence, and slander. And before I knew it, he vanished. Whether it be willingly or unwillingly, I might never see him again. If baseless, repetitive builds like this continue to get featured, with all other creativity ignored, then this community will collapse, and the moderators will be powerless to stop it.

I apologize for the errors in the text, I translate everything through the Translator.

thanks to all.

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    6.1 years ago
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    i agree with you ole chap@DankDorito

    6.2 years ago
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    2,129 SPCWorkshops

    When i saw it i died inside. @Winstonlharambe

    6.2 years ago
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    lmao @exosuit . @DankDorito I believe what really started this debate was the later-than-usual update on the feature section.
    I complained 4 days ago and then another post pointing out the terrible creations (the ones from last week). And got a debate going. Some point yesterday when the featured section finally got an update all it had was this 100 part P-47 with no description. That was the last straw and many people, including me, were inflamed. that's how it went down

    6.2 years ago
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    @DankDorito kommen discord

    6.2 years ago
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    2,129 SPCWorkshops

    Hello. @DankDorito

    6.2 years ago
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    30.9k DankDorito

    @SPCWorkshops Greetings, old friend

    6.2 years ago
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    30.9k DankDorito

    I don't know where you are getting the first part. If you had read my text correctly, I had said that the original purpose of the feature system was to give recognition to new people, etc. However, nowadays it has strayed out of that original purpose as bland and tasteless builds are getting featured while other more complicated machines are ignored, if you had read my text correctly you would understand this. The moderators chose to feature the same type of build from the same person 3 times and therefore several users decided to evaluate this decision. The assumption that you have made that I am "double-crossing" myself is false. Yes, at one point in time the feature system allowed new users and other users to be recognized for their good builds but now only new users are granted features whether those builds have quality or not. Take in, for example, your "SPP-27A7M4". It exhibited great detail, a custom cockpit, custom gear, and an extremely thorough description. Therefore and so it was rightly featured. This is an example of the feature system doing its Job, providing recognition to good builds. However, this exhibits minimalist detail, a poor description, and little to no improvement from the last feature he had received (Keep in mind he has received 3 so far). Conclusively I can say there is a great imbalance between what can be considered feature worthy, and not feature worthy and I'm afraid some (not all) of the moderators have had trouble differentiating the two.

    +3 6.2 years ago
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    2,129 SPCWorkshops

    I had built a IFV and a Riverboat. Never got any upvotes. And they were ok.

    6.2 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    Wow. It looks like I am late to the party! To be honest, I do not understand why some users worry so much about the feature function. It has no affect on how many points that user will get in the long run. I have only been featured once, and the feature was a pity feature, given to platinums that had never been featured.

    [Edit]: I won't lie - I nearly forgot that the feature function existed, until I saw whatever drama this is.

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    @RamboJutter it shouldn't do that.

    6.2 years ago
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    @EternalDarkness ah ok, just the button stays there saying upvote.

    6.2 years ago
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    @RamboJutter no, it shouldn't disable upvotes. I just upvoted to check, and it works. You can't see your name under upvotes, but the number grows by one.

    6.2 years ago
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    @EternalDarkness just out of curiosity but have you also disabled new upvotes on that post? It wont let me add one...

    6.2 years ago
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    @DrunkenRaider I have removed all comments from that post and disabled the comments on it, as some very salty people made quite a mess there. As for featuring, since around two and a half years ago, you have an option to feature a build yourself. Option is called spotlight, and it shows all your followers the build that you like.

    6.2 years ago
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    I think that if the craft really deserves to get feautured, then people will ask you by themselves to feauture it.

    Also, I want to talk about something diffedon’t think that it is good idea to choose next feautured craft based only on your taste. It’s not so fair as it would be if it were the people’s decision. I’ll explain: We have a newbie. He makes a nice craft, e.g. buggy, and it seems to be his best craft on this moment, and people like it very much. But it doesn’t gets feautured. Instead this buggy, feautured gets e.g. a tank which is not so good for the level of who built it, but he got feautured because moderator, who gave the feautured to this tank, is loving this type of war machines or especially this machine (if it’s replica).
    Also, why didn’t you answer me in the comments below feautured Thunderbolt’s post?
    Btw: You won’t be able to reply, because this, i’m sorry, sissy doesn’t stand any critic, even in soft form. He deleted my comments and blocked me.

    6.2 years ago
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    @DankDorito asking the real questions

    6.2 years ago
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    @RussianAS I do like ships. But I don't want to deal with "why was this featured?" comments on them when I feature them, so I simply upvote and spotlight.

    6.2 years ago
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    154k RussianAce

    @EternalDarkness hmm, funny, okay, then it turns out they don't like ships? Why do they so rarely get into featured?

    6.2 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    Dankdorito : Let's give people with less point an attention because we're supposed to support those who are new into the game and give them tips!

    +11 6.2 years ago
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    It's a nice debate you've got here. However, it's basically yelling at the cloud. Featured builds are chosen by moderators and developers according to their own taste, not a list of requirements, and you never know who featured it or why. "Feature" feature was succeeded by spotlight, but wasn't removed for some reason. It's not even that beneficial to a build really. A spotlight from, let's say, me puts your build into 979 jet streams where people can't miss it. Feature just puts it on the front page, along with builds everyone has already seen. Also, this debate doesn't really stand a chance of changing anything. Mods will continue featuring builds that they like or consider exceptional.

    +4 6.2 years ago
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    @CoolPeach honestly I have no idea what’s going on. I just felt the featured planes missed out on the new amazing members. Some dude prob added whole lotta spices and now this is so heated up... even worse than 2 days ago

    6.2 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    I’m going to be straight up honest here, sometimes you’ve just gotta toughen up and move on. If you care so much about the attention of your builds then maybe you should reconsider your priorities. I’ve experienced situations were I have builds that end up with less attention than others even though I put more work into them. Does that stop me though? No. In fact it makes me want to find better ways to build, it makes me build better and better. And instead of whinging about it, why don’t you find a solution to your “problem”? There’s no point complaining if you ain’t got some sort of fix for it. As of lately, the community’s lost a bit of that casual vibe it once had, nowadays there a far too many people who care about the number of upvotes on their builds. Just my two cents.

    +6 6.2 years ago
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    +5 6.2 years ago
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    30.9k DankDorito

    Seeing how something works and then creating his own version of it.
    I would say it's a bit further from stealing but that's up to you to decide.
    In relation to my previous message I will abstain from participating any more discussions for tonight.

    6.2 years ago
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