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About the 'Freelancer: Discovery' Ship series.

2,284 Mickk  6.0 years ago

So, by now several people will have seen the 'aircraft' I have been building from the game 'Freelancer' with the Discovery Mod applied.

Just a note about those aircraft/spacecraft.

Each craft comes from a 'line' of aircraft, with the initial craft being the 'basic' model, generally a 'Light Fighter'.

As each model is 'improved' it keeps the same look, but will have structural detail added, such as extra wings or similar, along with extra/more powerful weapons.

A ship line for Fighters generally runs in this order;
Light Fighter
Heavy Fighter
Very Heavy Fighter
Super Heavy Fighter

There are also Bombers in most ship lines, think ships which can power a very heavy torpedo launcher. Torpedoes as in things a little like a Proton Torpedo.
The equivalent here would be the Cleaver Missile.... on steroids.

Posted in Anouncements because there doesn't seem to be a 'General' area for posts.

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    2,284 Mickk

    Additional info.

    The various 'Houses' of Freelancer: Discovery.

    Each house has it's own distinct ship line.
    The houses are as follows;


    The only house that is not 'vanilla' is Gallia, a completely new house only found in Discovery, along with new completely new ships.

    6.0 years ago