This past week I found some underrated builds.
Disclaimer: the reason I made this was because jet stream isn’t as effective as it used to be
Final Notes:
This will be a weekly forum post and If you have a suggestion for a underrated build message me in this post
The list isn’t very long so make sure to link me some that you see.(if you want you can link your own)
My push to gold post altogether took close to the same and it got 40. And I’m happy @RamboJutter
@Spacedoge12345plane probably close to 20hrs I would think, didn't count exactly, mby more as it took a while for the original build which was then altered to be accurate and then all the decorative stuff
How many hours where put into it@RamboJutter
@Spacedoge12345plane 49 is not a lot when you think of the time and effort that went into it, bogdan and the like score over 100 on every build
at 49 upvotes? erm@RamboJutter
@Spacedoge12345plane what about my kriegsmarine f104?
@Spacedoge12345plane sorry actually the reason i build this and upload this for myself,because this is my secondary account and i want to delete Simpleplanes because im boring playing this game. And that's why i upload some my public and unlisted in this account
You have been advirtise so that your posts get more attention@Starlight
I’ll remove it@jamesPLANESii
@Spacedoge12345plane ???
And if the person I’d modify it, they’ve avoided the successor system, which is also illegal.
here is the origional
“Awesome high detail engine” is stolen.