es tut mir schrecklich leid für die menschen, die einen eintrag hatten und auf die ergebnisse gewartet haben, die vor 2 monaten hätten herauskommen sollen...
now although some finals only have one finale, here there are 3 categories based on what they have accomplish which are
starting off with
stunning looks, good color blend, a bit of realism. stands out to be a 1st place in looks
good design, good camo. but the cockpit needs a teeny tiny-bit of work
good replica, good color and good functionality
so far, could be one of the best replica's of the owo. but the color's quite uninteresting. still great though...
one of Tiseth's craziest imaginations with a mix of his talent. made one odd looking, but quite an interesting design for a Luft 46'
top notch stability, and agility.
stable, agile, and powerful. a Wunderbar creation.
stunning performance, lacks a little bit speed
with both that have a good performance, i think improvement is a little better.
10 maschinegewehr's is enough to obliterate a heavy tank, sehr gut.
despite the paintworks, i think this entry stands out to be realistic and functionality. i'll give it an 8.5 out of 10.
same to the 1st placer, but quite good.
Nun, da wir alle die Finalisten gesehen haben, entschuldige ich mich für die anderen Einsendungen, die es nicht bis ins Finale geschafft haben.
it's been a great 3 months, and i hope i can come up with a new challenge
auf wiedersehen -AchtungStains
@Zippy6 wooosh for me. But yeah it is pretty good
Lol tagging would been a nice idea. Just found about this just now. Glad you liked the flitzer!
@EternalDarkness got it, thanks
You should tag winners in the comment so they know they've won.