A lil teaser of what has become my second attempt at the Ford GT (1st gen, not the GT40 or 2017 GT). Like usual with my stuff it is coming with a true to scale suspension, powertrain, prolly a crappy interior, and the most accurate proportions I can manage. I actually printed out a blueprint for this. Compared to my first try a couple years ago things are crackalackin if I do say so myself ;)
Second try:
Note, the suspension is raised above everything to keep it from breaking when I put body panels on. Also, this will have the doors, moving deck lid, and the proper vents in intakes. They are not included in this teaser because I'm trying just get the body shape down first with simple panels. Part count so far: 352
They are very similar cars in design which is very cool. Also cool that a 40 year design can be fresh as a modern car. And yes the roof is ratrodishly low. Cleared 40 inches on the original car, nuts. @jamesPLANESii
I tend to classify them as different cars. So like the GT40 was the GT40, it had its mkI and mkII. Then, 40 years later, Ford comes out with the GT, first gen in 2004 (i think) with updates through 2008. Then the second gen as we know as the 2017-current GT. I guess you could say it’s the second gen of the design, but 40 years is long pause for generation in a car. Kinda like the Supra and Mark IV Supra. @jamesPLANESii
Isn’t the first gen GT a GT40?
Also I saw a GT40 at Wings over Wairarapa airshow yesterday. The roof is lower than a mini!
Okay, It might be done either tomorrow, or sometime next week. We'll see how much I can get done today and tomorrow @Zoomzoom999
Tag me please
@aircraftarsenal123 no prob, thanks
Thanks, I'll tag you. Trying to make this as seamless as possible, glad its showing a bit :) @TheXDimension32
real nice curves, tag me when it's done
@aircraftarsenal123 K thanks
! [] (http://i.imgur.com/SqPl0Lo.jpg)
without spaces ofc
@aircraftarsenal123 K it's this: https://imgur.com/gallery/40hFdY6 Try to do it a new forum
Can you put the imgur link in the comments so I can try? @Prolex917
@aircraftarsenal123 Nope didn't work
Did it work? @Prolex917
on the imgur site, where you can view your uploaded images, right click the image and open it in a new tab. Use that link for url @Prolex917
@aircraftarsenal123 I'm following the format, using imgur, and I'm taking out the s and nothing works
you follow this format

Make that if you are using imgur, that you take out the "s" in "https" when you pt the URL/Link in. @Prolex917
How do you add pictures since when I do it, it says that the image doesn't exist