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1.8 [BETA] Complex bug Report by VKSP (Russian SP Community)

9,935 DrunkenRaider  6.1 years ago

Hey. Me and my friends from VKSP have tested the 1.8 beta and found some bugs already. Here they are:

!!! It was hard to translate and type all the bugs in special form separately, so I made a forum post and typed all the bugs here. !!!

- A bug with prop blades. They are smaller in editor, than in game. Also there is an "Error" in Blade count.

- When I try to open the stock "finetuner" (I mean the menu with wrench icon), the game (sometimes) crashes.
- Well, it’s not a bug actually, but why not?... Arresting hook is a little bit too strong, I think. It can easily topple the plane even on low speed.

- Weird water texture on high graphics (at least on mobile devices)

- When you're trying to enter the editor, the game often crashes.
- If you're trying to work with cockpit, the game can freeze.

- In editor magnet is a texture and in game it is a "fuselage".

- Sometimes game crashes in the editor.
- Rotation sensivity in stock "finetuner" doesn't work.

- The connected parts movement doesn't work.
- Heli rotor is trembling. In my opinion it's because of assymmetry of this rotor.
- Problem with fonts in stock "finetuner": there's a tiny text and huge input field

- It's about new heli rotors. When you're increasing the count of blades, the "attachments" (under blades) may remain in the same amount as they were previous.

- Mods. They're just doesn't work. But they're installed!

- Moving a part by holding a button in stock "finetuner" doesnt't work; you need to move it by thousands of short pressings. When PC guys have shift + WASD, we (mobile guys) have to suffer. (*This thing worked on previous version)

- Map is buggy

- And a strange bug with prop blades

- When you hook up an arresting cable, it takes an arresting hook back (visually detaches it) but it doesn’t break.
- About Beast’s trail: “standard” trail is ~50 meters away from the aircraft carrier, and the “new” trail is overlapped by water texture.

- Strange bug with timelapse (“fast forward”). Just look on this gif. Like, idk, the physics go mad.

- A minor texture bug in rotor

I wanna say sorry for all the grammatical mistakes, cuz i'm just learning English ^_^

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    3,243 CDTX2011

    Error showing up on the blade count is what happens when you put more than 6 blades. It's normal.

    9 months ago
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    Well, I tried my MP-510 and no, it doesn’t have this problem with prop blades scale


    6.1 years ago
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    16.5k ShockRF

    @AndrewGarrison Xperia E5

    6.1 years ago
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    @ShockRF What device are you playing on? I assumed you were on Windows since your last build was on Windows. How about this path?


    +1 6.1 years ago
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    16.5k ShockRF

    @AndrewGarrison actually, I know English, (Misha, not funny joke) but yesterday I didn't have access to SP website. Unfortunately, I don't have this file - even search on "log" in "com.jundroo.simpleplanes" folder shows me nothing.
    Actually, I don't think this log should even exist - because it was not any crashes or errors. Mods are just unable to activate.

    BTW, three also is a bug when I enter the water on a craft, it crashes.

    6.1 years ago
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    5,292 Kotohime

    @AndrewGarrison 7.0

    6.1 years ago
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    @KaigunChujo Is your Android OS out of date? What version are you using?

    6.1 years ago
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    @DrunkenRaider @ShockRF
    After you experience the issue again, please upload your log file to and give us the link. You can find your log file here:


    6.1 years ago
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    ShockRF doesn’t really know English so i’ll answer instead of him. So, he asks: “How and where I can get a log file?”

    6.1 years ago
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    5,292 Kotohime

    @AndrewGarrison I don’t have any mods

    6.1 years ago
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    @KaigunChujo Do you have mods? If you disable all mods are you still seeing the texture issues?

    6.1 years ago
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    @ShockRF Can we get your log file?

    6.1 years ago
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    @nef860 can you provide more info about the font issue with the part transform tool?

    6.1 years ago
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    Well... I can say that I decided to check the crashes in stock “finetuner”, took the random part, clicked on wrench button and game crashed. Then I launched the game again, did the same and nothing happened. That’s all I can say. Probably if you tag my friends who have catched this issue too, they’ll tell you.

    +1 6.1 years ago
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    @KaigunChujo Thanks!

    6.1 years ago
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    @DrunkenRaider How often does the fine tuner crash the game? Have you found a way to make it happen so we can reproduce it?

    6.1 years ago
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    5,292 Kotohime


    6.1 years ago
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    @DrunkenRaider Yes, there is an issue with scaling propellers, which I believe has been fixed. I'm trying to verify the fix with many designs. However, I am not able to reproduce the problem w/the design you linked to because the engines do not use part appears to look fine on the current beta

    6.1 years ago
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    Oh and some of my friends reported that they had the same problem with oversized props, and it makes me think that this is a mass problem, not only mine

    6.1 years ago
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    Well, it’s an older mod. of my plane, but engines are the same and it appears that props here have the same problem

    6.1 years ago
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    @PhilipTarpley Regarding the issue you reported (propellers being sized incorrectly). I believe I have fixed it, but if you have a link to the design you had which exhibited the problem, I can verify.

    6.1 years ago
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    No problem :)

    6.1 years ago
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    @DrunkenRaider Ok, I understand (regarding @MOPCKOEDNISHE's bug)...I think that is the first report I got on that one, so thanks!

    6.1 years ago
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    Didn’t test it and don’t think i’ll be able to do that soon, but i’ll try to check. @PhilipTarpley

    6.1 years ago
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    I’ll translate what MOPCKOEDNISHE said to me.
    So, here is the screenshot:
    Info: When you increase the number of blades, the disc under this blades doesn’t change its texture (?). It can be fixed only by exiting and entering the editor again/reloading your creation (from the creations menu I mean)/starting the world and exiting in the editor.


    6.1 years ago
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