Here's a story about the Little Yellow truck that got kidnapped & drowned.
Here's the little yellow truck being taken from it's family.

Here's the Little Yellow truck being dragged mid-air.

Here's the little truck being forced into the water.

Here's the little truck submerged underwater.

Night all & Sleep well.
@Azamwasgamingnowismakinggames lol
it was not "kidnapped" was "rignapped"
This madlad!!! Somebody call peta.
i certainly will sleep well...
Just realized how this is also a teaser for my Helicopter... I Made 7-ish months ago.
How about the story of a little red lawnmower thrown into the volcano
Truck Lives Matter
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I like this
The greatest story ever written.
This is so sad Alexa play Africa by Toto
@Othawne Square up, gimme like 2 months lol
@DeezDucks Come at me boi
@DeezDucks Come at me boi
Vincent the serial Swedish carjacker.
Also congrats on finally surpassing me haha
Yep it's in the beta.
lol wut
Damn this got morbid and Funny AF real fast I don't wanna know what that yellow truck family did to piss that Heli off
Link me the hellicopter. This is sooo funny
@WNP78 But what about power etc? It does work with negative inputs (too bad magnets don't, that would have been the best) but you're right. Nothing would probably happen.
@Minecraftpoweer the physics engine will likely not allow it and simply assume anything negative is 0, and you will have no bounce.
@WNP78 Oh, I thought because it looked like a hemisphere and the only logical reason I could think of........ well atleast now I can explore what negative bounce does. Never tested that before.
@Minecraftpoweer was a mod