Maybe the halcyon army should have dinosaurs since I have this dino theme
Project will totally not be taken by Dr. Henry Wu
Maybe the halcyon army should have dinosaurs since I have this dino theme
Project will totally not be taken by Dr. Henry Wu
Dinos would take longer unless you breed them to be trainable @HarrisCraft
@Bman01 You can, any animal can be trained
Ok good point,but Dino’s can’t be trained@HarrisCraft
@Bman01 Just like dogs then
uh they have sharp teeth,they can be super fast and are a danger to civilians @HarrisCraft
@Bman01 How is unarmed dino’s OP?
No that would be too OP.
OH MaBye ReLaRIa CaN hAvE ThE BrITisH ArMY oF 1812
So have you read the first linked comment that i made
And the second comment also have a link
@Notaleopard YEET
@HarrisCraft did you say frogs!??
T-Rex:It is Wensday My dudes! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!
@Notaleopard Yes but you see these bois are made in the Doctor Henry Wu way so that means frog DNA and that means no feathers
Dinosaurs have Feathers! RRRRREEEEEEEEEE!