Can somebody please make a new railway mod that has a looping rail that extends a distance of roughly 300 miles and has complex terrain (up and down small hills, trees, rivers and lakes, etc.)? I would also like if it turned a maximum of 5° every 70 feet, so that when the rail turns, the direction only changes five degrees and the chances of derailing all but disappears. If anyone could do this it’d be awesome!
@tsampoy What do you think of the idea? Would certainly make realistic-sized trains possible!
@TrainDude do you think this would be at all possible?
@DuckMint If only you'd make a 300 mile dirt trail with those trademark palm trees and dust of yours...
And collaborate with a creator that does Android! I have a powerful enough device to run some heavier maps.
300 miles!!!
I would love a quality railway map for android
@destroyerP no u
@RailfanEthan go commit die
@RasucitNemilos don't make it as big 100 miles would do
Thanks man, anyone you could point me to for some advice on it? @T8flightcrafts
if you have a pc you can make you own. ask mod developers about railway pieces. and if it looked cool you would get bundles of upvotes.
Sorry, I can’t mod, I wish I could help