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Is "Infinity" broken or removed?

46.5k Minecraftpoweer  6.0 years ago

All values that were previously "Infinity" have been reset to 0 with the beta. If you edit it to "Infinity" it turns to "INF" so then you start but then it resets to 0. Was infinity removed?

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    @Roswell Yeah ikr. I don't Think they wanted to remove it because it gets shortened to "INF" which why would they add that if it doesn't work?

    6.0 years ago
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    7,271 Roswell

    Seems to be a bug because all of my builds with health set to Infinity is reset to 0
    Also a another XML bug i found Hemisphere and the sphere are bug and whenever you set them to like -100 friction is feels the same as just 0

    6.0 years ago