The M300 you have seen before, but the 747 is BRAND NEW!
747-400- 300 parts 40 rotators
M300-100- 300 parts 15 rotators
Both aircraft will have full cockpits.
The M300 you have seen before, but the 747 is BRAND NEW!
747-400- 300 parts 40 rotators
M300-100- 300 parts 15 rotators
Both aircraft will have full cockpits.
@exosuit The engines are 1:1 scaled, with a fan diameter of 8 feet. I will be working on the nose though.
@klm747klm747 okay this is super weird
For some reason all the pictures loads now
Nice 747 you got there. Maybe a slightly bigger engine and moving the cockpit forward slightly would look better in my opinion
@exosuit That is weird.
@klm747klm747 i did that and the links didn't load
My ISP must've done this
@exosuit Must be on your end. You can use inspect element to see all the links.
Right click on any image and then click inspect. You can direct access all images from there.
@klm747klm747 hmm . . Apparently it's not only affecting your post, it's affecting almost all the forum posts with image attachments
I don't know why this happened since i have good internet connection though . . .
@SubXTribe Don't worry, they'll be coming soon. Within the month.
@exosuit That's weird. Apparently everyone else can see them.
@CrashFighter05 You got that right!
@klm747klm747 all
MMMM Big flying iron birds!
@exosuit Which one?
Image broke
@T8flightcrafts Thank you! The 747's taken about three days so far, and the smaller plane about 30-40.
they's really good
@T8flightcrafts @Spacedoge12345plane Thank you! I will tag you.
Tag me on the post when it comes out so I can upvote it
@Vidal99977 Thank you!
But still... very cool@
Yeah but mine is the classic @klm747klm747
@Vidal99977 Thanks! I was actually inspired to make it by your 747!
Nice 747 there
@randomusername The good thing is that 80% of the plane is calcuatedragfalse. That adds about 5 fps.
@randomusername Here's why so many rotators.
Landing gear- 9
Control Surfaces (Not flaps)- 4
Flaps- 19
42 Rotators/Pistons actually. (I included pistons because they have the same performance impact as rotators)