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The World of Aviation Just Changed. (737 Crisis)

120k ACEPILOT109  6.1 years ago

Most of this still unclear and may not be true in a few days because of black box findings.

After two 737 mac crashes a number of countries have grounded the Max and 9 series of boing 737. Southwest will be losing more than 40 aircraft and some other airlines will lose some also. All flying 737 maxes and 9s will reach there destination then be grounded. We will have to wait till the 737 terror is over before they will fly again, I’m pretty sure Boing is going to suffer a lot from this and the whole 737 series will fail because of this (because the general public public doesn’t care, if has a 7 or 3 it’s not safe to them). Boing also lost a 767 after it nosed dived losing 7,000 feet per minute hitting the sea, it was a cargo plane so only 3 deaths.

Me personally will not be flying South West even if it’s not a Max or 9 series as all they fly is 737s. I loved the 737, but no I’m not to sure, so far I think AirBus is going to take over.

This is the first major aviation incent in my life time, and I’m very much in post. If you have and more questions let me know, or look it up as it’s all over the internet.

Farewell Boing 737-8 and 9, and I hope you come back.

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    Oof, this is the first one I’m old enough to remember when it happened is what I meant @doge

    6.0 years ago
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    3,485 SelectAKey


    6.0 years ago
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    13.3k doge

    So wait this is the 1st major incedent in your life time so your like 3-5 years old
    Ah nobody remembers flight MH 370 or airfrance flight 447
    More of a wtf happend and not mechanical failure "that anyone knows of"

    6.1 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    When the Lion Air incident happened, i thought it's from the airline's side since another aircraft rammed a light pole few days after the incident, and another got a problem with it's engine if i remember correctly.
    I really do hope that it's just because of some software bug, or a design flaw that caused these crashes because i kind of liked the newer 737 series ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    6.1 years ago
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    Mod DeezDucks

    It's not normal for two brand new planes to crash within 5 months but nonetheless I still have a lot of faith in the 737, Westjet is based in my city and 90% of their fleet is made of 737 models. Never had a bad plane related experience with them.

    6.1 years ago
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    4,244 Maxwell1

    I’m sure this is just coincidence. Hundreds of these things fly every day. Accidents are bound to happen. But I’m sure the public will be un-logically skeptical. (As always.)

    6.1 years ago
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    2,861 ViciousTNT

    Jeez, as a Boeing supporter this hurts... I remember when my mom told me about the LionAir accident, I was kinda shocked that a plane like the 737-MAX would crash after such a little time since its presentation...
    I prefer MD-80s tho lol

    6.1 years ago
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    @Gestour exactly

    +1 6.1 years ago
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    With Airlines switching to Airbus, no, just no, most airlines have ordered these airplanes both A320 and 737 YEARS in advance thus have years of wait time before delivery, if orders are cancelled and new ones placed, that delays the order by like 5 years so the airlines won’t be doing that.
    And honestly its too soon to rush to conclusions like that, the accident was legit just the other day, about anything could have happened, it could have been pilot error and just so happened to be a max unfortunately, again who knows the accident legit just happened the other day
    And the 737 wont just fail as a whole, thats just ridiculous, sorry, it’s going to get fixed what ever issues it may have and will continue to sell for years to come
    The 737s are still very safe aircraft. Personally I’d happily get on any version of the 737s without a second thought

    6.1 years ago
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    @Gestour lol im not 40 so I cant, sorry but I do remember the landings at capitol hill from b-52s in afgan in September 1765

    6.1 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    You guys remember when the DC-10 was grounded in '79?
    It was a way bigger deal than this, and everything worked out fine.

    +1 6.1 years ago
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    Yeah, I’m not sure why... @T8flightcrafts

    6.1 years ago
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    9,222 T8flight

    it's quite rediculous, there are thousands of 737s flying around, and two of them crash, close to the same time, this does not mean they should be erradicated

    +5 6.1 years ago
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    Yeah, I just clarified it, most people who fly (general public) don’t care about the series just if its a 737 @CoolPeach

    6.1 years ago
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    Idk, it’s on the news a lot right now. And the story just broke out toady mainly @Jacobdaniel

    6.1 years ago
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    15.6k Jacobdaniel

    If this is all over the internet why haven't I seen it?

    +1 6.1 years ago
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    And it’s only the max. The largest part of the 737’s flying are the Next gens. The 737 are still a aircraft you see every second.

    6.1 years ago
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    I’m a hard core Boeing fan but I think the grounding is for the best. It won’t get any more negative reactions from the media if it’s on the ground. Hopefully this legendary aircraft series will get back to it’s former glory soon.

    6.1 years ago
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    What about the Malaysia plane that was lost. You where probably alive for that

    +2 6.1 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    I don’t think the entire 737 series is going to collapse, eventually when the problem is fixed airlines will overtime regain their trust in the plane. It will (and has already) impact share prices a lot and business forecasts though and it will push airlines towards other manufacturers.

    +1 6.1 years ago