The nation of CVR has given no sign of surrender or any interest in peace agreements therefore the Halcyon Navy has formed somewhat of a blockade around the CVR coast and is ready to launch an invasion of their mainland.
The nation of CVR has given no sign of surrender or any interest in peace agreements therefore the Halcyon Navy has formed somewhat of a blockade around the CVR coast and is ready to launch an invasion of their mainland.
@Brields95 No lol
@HarrisCraft told you. Now get your navy out of Pacifican water.
@HarrisCraft Um I left the Simplelandia RP quiet awhile ago so this is null invoid
@Brields95 He didn’t post any forums except for his country thing so how should I know?
Have you not been following up on the CVR? They imploded. How are they waging war if they don't exist?This is why we need a rp moderator.
Empire strikes back again
Halcyon might
Halcyon will strike again
Ok @HarrisCraft
You need to be a Marry/Garry Stu first to battle him/her
@ViridiCinis I don’t know about allies but our enemy is CVR
Wait, so who are your allies and who are your enemies? @HarrisCraft
Yo wat happen to the Dino doggos?
Using Dinos will save you money $$$$
Yup @DoctorCorvus