You devs are probably really busy but I'm wondering if we could have an xml option for winch scale (thickness), like the winch itself. I am having a problem where I need the winch block to be small but the winch stay the same size, I can't hide the winch block a lot.
Here is my problem:
It rotates on the top and bottom in order in order to stay leveled while boom is elevated, this means that the jib looks realy ugly because I can't scale the winches down, I already did it by 25% and it looks a little wierd, regular scale looked fine.
Tried to make it look a Little better by angeling them inwards so that I can pretend theres an extra pulley in the midle or something
@PhilipTarpley @NathanMikeska sorry to bother
@HellFireKoder @AndrewGarrison @weebabyseamus
Sorry to bother