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Ship of despair

12.6k Flippos  6.0 years ago

Oh captain, the shore is miles away.
The crew is hopeless, in deep dismay.
We can't keep going, this course is cursed!
Danger is ahead, the ship must be reversed!

Avast! Sailor, what is it I hear ye say?
You chose, from your home to be away!
You chose your fate, by boarding this ship!
Make a damned decision and stick with it!

Captain, our efforts are very futile.
We will never reach land, the sea is brutal!
If we turn her now, we could still save her!
Ship and crew, are the first duty of the sailor!

Shiver me timbers! You be disloyal!
Is this mutiny I smell? Is it betrayal?
How does ye dare question your Cap-tain?
This is our heading, t'is what we'll maintain!

And the sailor went back to his station,
for better or worse? For lack of dedication?
The ship would shake, the waves are high,
the mast would snap, in the storm's eye!

Sailors be quick! Your ship you must mend!
But it is too late, for they reached...
...their journey's end.
