So I created a Server on Discord for every Member of this Site who sees this. If you have Discord, please join if you’re able to. If not, Discord is available everywhere. There are certain Classes of Creators based on their Creations and you may upload Teasers. Tagging everyone without allowance IS NOT allowed and the One who does will be punished by either a Kick, judging on the Message, or a Warning. A Mute may also be given by higher Ranks. Remember, the Role Expert Creator is EXACTLY the same as the Creator Role. It’s only Purpose is to recognize who to go to, if you want high/low Detailed Creations, based on your Device. After all, older Mobile Devices may not be able to handle high Detail on Creations.
But remember, don’t just do like the smaller Creators aren’t there. They might simply give up if no one cares about their Creations.
Tap me
The Link above may become invalid in a Day, so don’t hesitate to point that out if it is. I will renew it as soon as possible. Thanks in advance if you join.
The Server is not completely done as of now, but I’m working on it.
Also, there won’t be much going on, as it needs Time to grow. So please don’t leave as soon as there are no new Messages the next Day.
@PvPSky no problem
Btw, I gotta sleep now. I will introduce you tomorrow
My Server:
Click me
XML Server:
Click me
@PvPSky hey can u send me a new invite
@PvPSky erm
Ok i will see what this is about
As long as the one who joins doesn’t offend or discriminate others that is
Anyone is allowed. Except for Racists and Nazis
@stig29 @pavthepilot @JetpackTurtle