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Fine Tuner and Mod Settings Mods Updated to Unity 2018.3 and the SP 1.8 Mod Tools

Dev HellFireKoder  6.0 years ago

Fine Tuner changelog:

  • Updated to Unity 2018.3 and SP 1.8 mod tools.
  • Fixed an issue which made the FT icon disappear after the first frame.
  • May also have some minor tweaks (and hopefully fixes) to the GUI, but nothing major.
  • Changed file name to Fine Tuner. This added empty space would be irrelevant, but you should delete the old FineTuner.spmod/spmod-android file to make sure it's loading the new one.
  • Updated version number to 0.920.

Mod Settings Changelog:

  • Updated to Unity 2018.3 and SP 1.8 mod tools.
  • Fixed a bug where the Vector3 setting input Y axis label (the letter 'Y') was smaller than X and Z.
  • Set load priority so this mod should load before other mods even if the 000 prefix doesn't achieve that on your device.
  • Updated version number to 0.6.

Please let me know if you discover any new issues introduced by this update.

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    1,261 Ambarveis

    O, the truly coded one, the one bathed in hellfire, the language of the lightnings, the soul of metal, truly blessed is thy name.

    +1 6.0 years ago
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    107k MisterT

    Works fine ! I just had to re-install old mods supported by "mod settings". Thanks !

    +2 6.0 years ago