I’m thinking about a new Engine that could be added. There would be only 3. The smaller One, the medium One and the biggest One. They would all have customizable Sizes and Strenght to fit every Plane. They could also be set to have circular, smokth etc. Edges, to fit every Fuselage. The Color of the Fire would be awesome to customize too. Some People may prefer a more red Fire for their Plane after all.
Leave your Opinions about this in the Comments!
But this is just a Suggestion...
A SimplePlanes Suggestion
@PvPSky Ah, ok.
That many Users including me can’t use. That’s why I really want this to be added
These are all XML traits...
Yep I did
I see someone got the Reference XD
But its just a theory a game theory
@PvPSky If you need someone to do XML stuff i'll gladly help
Indeed... it’s not that hard with the overload mod however. I used to spend a lot of time as it is difficult, yet that mod makes almost as easy as changing basic part settings, and probably around 99% of PC users have it. @PvPSky
Exactly. Plus IOS Players like me always have to ask others to XML an Engine for them and I’m sure XML Modding isn’t the easiest Thing in the World, so it would be more simple for everyone if this was a Thing.
Sure. About everything you state can be XML modded, but it would be easier to easily change. @PvPSky
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