Yeah, not very good compared to the latest art posts, (Especially Leehopard's and Marine's!) but I guess it's still ok.
All of this is several kilometers above the clouds, and those extremely tall radio towers are at least 5x the size of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
This took me a few days on and off to create, getting in all those tiny miniscule details.
Tell me if you like it, I may post some more art I've made if you guys think it's cool or something, idk.
@Kyle123344 oh, that's nice...
Also, I just realized I mixed up limbo (what you said earlier) and limo, the car. Refer to previous comments, I'm an idiot XD
@Kyle123344 what's a limbo? I'm 99% sure that you aren't talking about the car. Lol
@AWESOMENESS360 Actually it reminds me more of limbo than a purgatory because of the fog and unnatural looking buildings.
@Kyle123344 lol, why?
@CptJacobson thanks!
This is cool lad
Reminds me of a purgatory