I have tried removing pretty much every part of the plane. I have checked the COM and COT/COL and it even though I was able to level off a little better it keeps going one way. I'm lost and need a little help from the community.
Here is the plane if anyone wants to download it, I have given up for now :(
I can do that? I thought it reset every time you spawn the plane? @randomusername
Theoretically, the dihedral of the wing makes itself autobalance itself like a resting pendulum. @Hectord27
@ColonelStriker Thank you. Yes its just as a test so I didnt change the VTOL. Weird though, my version slightly rolls one way. I guess I'll just submit this as it is and hope it's not broken for the public!
THere are no problems regarding the roll other than the flaps you’ve did. You forgot to invert one of them after mirroring the wings