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So I finally tried it and it works.

46.5k Minecraftpoweer  5.9 years ago

I mean it's not suprising that it worked but I have never bothered trying but… I did it.... it works.
Also I haven't made an update on the crane mobile version thiny except for on the actual crane post..... no mobile version comming, there just aren't enough details to remove for less parts. A lot of the parts are just part of the build with there not being a lot of details.. so yeah, no mobile crane version....
You should be able to use it on mobile if you have a newer phone though…… probably, haven't tested.

Also to do this it's quite simple really
1 Make something you want to be there when you press "make a new plane" (or whatever it's called… "new aircraft"?)
2 Save it, name doesn't matter just save it.
3 Find "new" in "AircraftDesigns" folder.
4 You back it up just incase you Think that you're going to screw up this easy thingie (somehow)
5 You open the xml file of the thing you made.
6 You sellect Everything (ctrl + a)
7 You copy Everything you sellected (ctrl + c)
8 You open "new" and sellect everything and then paste what you copied (ctrl + v)
9 You then save the xml file (ctrl + s)
10 You open the game.
11 You press the "new aircraft" thingie.
12 You see that it works.
13 You Close the game and go rewatch ATLA because it's so good.
14 You go here and just look at the post for some reason.
15 You ignore this post for now and ever after.
16 You go make tea because it tastes really good.

THE "new" has 2 of theese on each side " _ " the site just changes them…. you get the Point